St. Peter-ad-Vincula, Roydon

  • St Peter's Church,
  • High Street,
  • Roydon, Harlow
  • Essex
  • CM19 5LW

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Harlow Foodbank

St Peter's Church is supporting Harlow Foodbank. 

There is a black/blue box inside the church where you can put your food donations. The contents of the box are delivered regularly to the Foodbank.


                 The following are a list of items, in order of urgencythat are running low in the warehouse:

   Our urgent needs are…

Long Life Fruit Juice

Powdered Mash Potato

Canned Meats (sausages, meatballs, ham etc)

Canned Fish eg. Tuna

Sponge Pudding

Rice Pudding

Small jars of Coffee

Packets of tea bags

Deodorant (Men’s and Women’s)

Bars of soap

Items we currently have plenty of…




We can also accept…


Washing liquid and washing up liquid

Household cleaning products

It is important that the expiry dates on all these items are as far off as possible.


The Foodbank is designed to help individuals and families in crisis by providing free emergency food until the appropriate agencies are in a position to assist.

The Foodbank's aim is to engage with communities, introducing sustainable projects that enable marginalised people to break through their cycle of poverty.

To find out more about Harlow Foodbank go to: The website has the up to date list of the items that are needed at the moment.